Another "off the cuff" meal from my chefhusband who simply asks "Are you hungry?" then proceeds to make another amazing meal. Tonight, halibut with a parsley bread crumb crust served with a squash puree, sauteed brussel sprouts, and black trumpet mushrooms. The other night at our dinner party someone asked me, "Has he made you this dish before?" I answered No, and realized he has rarely made me the same meal twice (save for our comfort dishes) in the six years we've been together. Someone else asked, "You don't eat like this on a regular basis..". Actually, yes, I do. Spoiled f**kin rotten..
Stayed at work an hour over what I was supposed to (13 1/2 hour shift!). Got caught up with a 20 year old patient who had bilateral corneal ulcers. (Google it, it totally sucks) The wonderful MD was so concerned for her that he made me stay overtime. I guess a small price to pay to help someone get the medications and follow up they need. We also cared for a young teenager who's leg was impaled by a pole (or rebar, I never quite got the whole story) and luckily did not shatter any leg bones. It's amazing how much abuse our body can go through and recover. The teen was a young man through and through, letting out stinky farts as we were working on him! Rinsed his wound out with a flushing device from the operating room, sewed his puncture holes up, then sent him home on crutches (of course he received plenty of morphine in the meanwhile). His poor mom...
1 comment:
you may be spoiled at home but you certainly put in your dues at work...
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