Oh I love it when it starts to get crisp
65 degrees outside and all the fall vegetables are at the farmers market. It's hard to pick a favorite season for food but fall is in my top four (haha). I just love the feeling of being all cozy in the house with something roasting away in the oven while stray dogs and the homeless sniff hungrily at our front door. A big hunk o' meat slow braised while its lovely fat drips all over root vegetables is my idea of a last death row meal. Pure comfort food. I am blessed to have a hubby who visits the farmers market every Wednesday and he is the first to let me know when certain produce have made their grand appearance.
An Ode to Fall Vegetables!
Persimmons! You soft, sultry, musky orb! I'll let your juices drip down my chin and arms while I suck you standing over the sink.
Chantrelles! Your meaty and silky flesh caresses my mouth with a sensual familiarity.
Carrots! Your sweetness is only enhanced by the caramel you produce on a hot pan. Your tender flesh enhances any meat.
Radishes! Your fiery nature is mellowed to a sweet succulence you willingly give when roasted in a hot oven.
Brussels Sprouts! Your sweet and tender interior defies your sketchy reputation.
Okay, enough, enough. I'm getting silly. But truly, isn't fall fabulous!
Some lovely carrots and radishes from Jaime Farms...

Fresh Mahi mahi...

Seared mahi with carrots, radishes, and lambs quarters...

Celebrate Fall!!